Pękala, Weber and Podgórski are still experimenting creators of the Polish independent music scene. At the Szczecin Philharmonic, they will present their latest scientific and artistic project. It is based on the knowledge of the impact of sound on the human body and constitutes a real musical-visual mystery.
Miłosz Pękala is a well-grounded, educated and award-winning drummer cooperating with, among others, Kwadrofonik, a contemporary and improvised music quartet, the iconic Polish ensemble Mitch & Mitch and the orchestra Sinfonia Varsovia. Bartosz Weber is a multi-instrumentalist, founder of the avant-garde jazz band Baaba, a member of Mitch & Mitch, involved in the activities of the association and label Lado ABC. Wiktor Podgórski is a visual artist creating at the confluence of sound and moving image, whose works are presented, among others, in galleries and at art festivals, including animation.
This artistic trio is responsible for creating a kind of session that is aesthetically placed between contemporary electroacoustic music, jazz and minimalism. The artists drew inspiration for this project from such areas as medicine, quantum physics and the culture of the East. The rhythmic layer of the compositions is based on the records of electrocardiographic tests, while the musicians introduce sounds of frequencies during the concert that build the trance mood: sounds of the heart, pulse and resonance, which naturally affect human emotions.
The musical session is filled with a natural pulse and the atmosphere of meditation. Exotic percussion instruments used during the concert intensify the feeling of relaxation. The artistic visualisations, unblemished by sounds, based on a multi-coloured wave image, intensify the experience and at the same time maintain emotional engagement and focus among the listeners.
Exhibition available during event:
Plakaty | Władysław PlutaNa wystawie pokazanych zostanie ponad 60 plakatów z ostatnich 20 lat twórczości Władysława Pluty, realizowanych głównie dla potrzeb instytucji kulturalnych Krakowa, takich jak Akademia Sztuk Pięknych im. Jana Matejki w Krakowie, Muzeum Narodowe w Krakowie, ZPAP Okręg Krakowski, Akademia Muzyczna w Krakowie, Dydo Poster Collection, Muzeum Sztuki w Ołomuńcu, Międzynarodowe Biennale i Triennale Grafiki i wiele innych. Większość plakatów stanowi serie. Prace pokazują zainteresowania autora typografią. Plakaty Władysława Pluty cechuje powściągliwość i lapidarność przekazu.
Lab 2: Pękala | Weber | Podgórski
23-11-2019 20:00