This is not the first time that classically trained artists at a mature stage of their professional life feel the effects of jazz calling out to them. This is what happened to the musicians of the Atom String Quartet. When we get to know the biographical notes of the ensemble members, it turns out that they all have a rich career in the world of classical music.
Moreover, they gained their basic education in the departments of classical music at the academies of music. Since 2011 when the musicians debuted with their album "Fade in", it became clear that the love of jazz and experimental music was prevailing. Throughout the years of activity, these "four most amiable fiddlers with a force holding up the ensemble’s name" (as the members of the band were spoken of by Jan "Ptaszyn" Wróblewski) have consistently appeared at the biggest European music festivals, including Berliner Jazztage, Jazz Baltica, Leipziger Jazztage, Festival Veranos de la Villa Madrid, Jazz Jamboree, Ethno Jazz Festival and Solidarity of Arts (Atom also performed at the Berlin Philharmonic, together with Leszek Możdżer, Lars Danielsson, Zohar Fresco). This time the Atom String Quartet will create a musical spectacle with composer, arranger, pianist, conductor, and TV personality, Adam Sztaba.
Mikołaj Rykowski PhD
Musicologist and clarinetist, doctorate, and associate at the Department Music Theory at the Paderewski Academy of Music in Poznań. Author of a book and numerous articles devoted to the phenomenon of Harmoniemusik – the 18th-century practice of brass bands. Co-author of the scripts "Speaking concerts" and author of the spoken introductions to philharmonic concerts in Szczecin, Poznań, Bydgoszcz and Łódź.
Utwór Adama Sztaby „Orkiestrownik” został zamówiony przez Filharmonię i dofinansowany ze środków Ministra Kultury i Dziedzictwa Narodowego w ramach programu „Kolekcje" priorytet „Zamówienie kompozytorskie", realizowanego przez Instytut Muzyki i Tańca.