
Fauré, Roussel and Rota - concert premiere at LiveFilharmonia

NEWS | 09-03-2021
This Sunday, March 14th at 7:00 PM, during the premiere at, we will have the opportunity to listen to the orchestra conducted by Tito Ceccherini and accompanied by the excellent pianist Benedetto Lupo. The program includes Fauré, Roussel and Rota. The access to the platform costs PLN 10/20
What could be more beautiful than indulging your imagination while listening to extremely evocative sound images?

One of such pictures will be painted in our imagination by Nino Rota. The composer, known for his collaboration with the director Federico Fellini, was one of the most prolific and acclaimed film composers of his era. His list of soundtracks ranges from "La dolce vita" and "Romeo and Juliet" by Franz Zeffirelli to "The Godfather" by Francis Ford Coppola. About "Concerto soirée", which we will hear during the next premiere on the platform, it was written: "Dreamy like Chopin, sensational like Rachmaninoff, funny like Prokofiev, but always Rota – rediscovering the beauty of romantic music".

The next pieces will be "Masques et bergamasques", a suite op. 112 Gabriela Fauré and symphonic fragments from the ballet-pantomime "Le Festin de l'araignée" (The Spider's Feast), Op. 17 Albert Roussel.

The orchestra will be conducted by Tito Ceccherini, a well-known interpreter of contemporary repertoire, highly regarded for the versatile approach and extraordinary clarity of his interpretations. The soloist of the evening will be Benedetto Lupo, a pianist recognized by international critics as one of the most outstanding and interesting talents of his generation.

FAURÉ | ROUSSEL | ROTA concert on Sunday, March 14th at 7:00 PM at
Access to the platform costs PLN 10/20.


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