MISTERIOSO, Filharmonicy kameralnie

At noon to the Philharmonic - a new proposal for families

NEWS | 24-06-2019
Together with the new season, we invite whole families at noon to small meetings with Szczecin Philharmonic musicians. The Philharmonics Play Chamber concerts will change its form. It is a proposal that will allow you to spend a day in the beautiful interiors of the Philharmonic and anyone, regardless of age, will be offered a meeting with music and more.
The Philharmonics Play Chamber concerts took place in the Moon Hall many a time in the past seasons. Chamber musical meetings with members of the orchestra are a great opportunity for every music lover to get to know them from a different side than the symphonic one. Along with the 2019/2020 season, we continue to present you with the skills and passions of our musicians, yet this time, however, at a different time and in a changed family form.

With a child to the Philharmonic

The chamber concerts will take place at 12:00 on selected Sundays (in the first half of the season it will be October 27 and December 8). Those of you who would like to spend this Sunday time with their loved ones, but also fear that the program on offer can be too difficult for the youngest, please relax. The Philharmonics Play Chamber is not only about classical music, but also about the Clef Lounge which accompanies the concert. In the space dedicated to children, they are able to actively create, experiment and discover the world of music during the workshops while their guardians can enjoy the concert.

Not only music

The concert and workshops at noon, however, are not all that we have for you. A Sunday visit to the Philharmonic can be combined with another field of art other than music. Level 4 Gallery is the climactic space of the building located directly under the geometric roof. The daylight that illuminates it, coming through the characteristic milky glass skylights, gives an unprecedented charm to the works by the best Polish and foreign artists hosted in the gallery. Level 4 is a gallery functioning very intensively – each month it presents works by different artists – that is why by attending the Sunday concerts, it is always worth coming up to the top floor of the building to see the new exhibition.

For the body

As a human being does not live by art alone, and the time spent in its company can go by exceptionally fast, we have not forgotten about the food for the body. We also invite you to our cafe, where you can always find your own confectionery sweets, aromatic coffee and tea, or delicious cocktails. In addition, on Sundays, when we will be presenting concerts from the Philharmonics Play Chamber series, you will be able to dine together with the whole family in Cafe Symfonia to replenish your energy before the rest of your family day.

We invite you to the concerts within the Philharmonics Play Chamber series accompanied with visits to the Level 4 Gallery, the children's Clef Lounge, and lunch in our cafe in the new artistic season. Sunday spent at the Philharmonic with your family or friends will surely provide you with unforgettable, not only musical, impressions and will be a great idea for spending time with family and showing our building to your guests and friends.

March 2025
TODAY01 MARsa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
TODAY01 MARsa, 19:00
Non-affilliated eventsZALEWSKI | ZGŁOWY | Koncert dla Zwierząt z PodlasiaCo-organized event
TOMORROW02 MARsn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryKatarzyna Laskowska | CirculusExhibition
02 MAR, sn, 18:00 - PASION DE BUENA VISTAkoncert zewnętrzny
05MAR '25wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Stirring KaleidoscopeChamber concert
06MAR '25th, 10:00
School concerts 2024/2025Just So You Know?School concert for students aged 14+
06MAR '25th, 12:00
School concerts 2024/2025Just So You Know?School concert for students aged 14+
06MAR '25th, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryINtonacje | Dojrzałe oblicze pięknaVernissage
07MAR '25fr, 14:00
07MAR '25fr, 15:00
07MAR '25fr, 19:00
08MAR '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
08MAR '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
08MAR '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
08MAR '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryINtonacje | Dojrzałe oblicze pięknaExhibition
09MAR '25sn, 11:00
Young Music Lovers' Academy | Family concertsIn the Brass Kingdom of King TubaConcertfor children with caregivers
09MAR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryINtonacje | Dojrzałe oblicze pięknaExhibition
10MAR '25mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
10MAR '25mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
10 MAR, mn, 19:00 - KULT AKUSTIK 2025koncert zewnętrzny
11MAR '25tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
11 MAR, tu, 19:00 - ANIA DĄBROWSKA. TEGO CHCIAŁAM. TRASA 20 LECIAkoncert zewnętrzny
12 MAR, wd, 19:00 - SZCZECIN JAZZ 2025 - GALA JAZZ TOP MAGAZYNU JAZZ FORUMkoncert zewnętrzny
14MAR '25fr, 14:00
14MAR '25fr, 15:00
14MAR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025The Essence of ViennaSymphonic concert
15MAR '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
15MAR '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
15MAR '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
15MAR '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryINtonacje | Dojrzałe oblicze pięknaExhibition
16MAR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryINtonacje | Dojrzałe oblicze pięknaExhibition
16 MAR, sn, 20:00 - WOJCIECH WAGLEWSKI MTV Unpluggedkoncert zewnętrzny
18 MAR, tu, 19:00 - HAPPYSAD INACZEJkoncert zewnętrzny
19 MAR, wd, 19:00 - SZCZECIN JAZZ 2025 - DIANNE REEVESkoncert zewnętrzny
20MAR '25th, 19:00
WORLD MUSIC | Rubato 2024/2025Lullabies for the WorldWorld music concert
21MAR '25fr, 14:00
21MAR '25fr, 15:00
21MAR '25fr, 16:00
21MAR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Spring and the CitySymphonic concert
22MAR '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryINtonacje | Dojrzałe oblicze pięknaExhibition
22 MAR, sa, 20:00 - KORTEZ - WIOSNA'25koncert zewnętrzny
23MAR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryINtonacje | Dojrzałe oblicze pięknaExhibition
23 MAR, sn, 20:00 - KORTEZ - WIOSNA'25koncert zewnętrzny
26 MAR, wd, 20:00 - KUBA BADACHkoncert zewnętrzny
28MAR '25fr, 14:00
28MAR '25fr, 15:00
28MAR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025From AfarSymphonic concert
29MAR '25sa, 12:00
29MAR '25sa, 19:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSVernissage
30MAR '25sn, 12:00
30MAR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSExhibition
30MAR '25sn, 17:00
EduVerve| Family concertsUP-Down — being KarłowiczConcertfor children from 6 years of age accompanied by adults
31 MAR, mn, 20:00 - HOOVERPHONICkoncert zewnętrzny
April 2025
02APR '25wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025Bach HistoricallyChamber concert
03APR '25th, 10:00
School concerts 2024/2025UP-Down—being KarłowiczSchool concert for primary schools students
03APR '25th, 12:00
School concerts 2024/2025UP-Down—being KarłowiczSchool concert for primary schools students
04APR '25fr, 14:00
04APR '25fr, 15:00
04APR '25fr, 19:00
GUESTS AT THE SZCZECIN PHILHARMONICThe Sound of Youth!Symphonic concert
05APR '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
05APR '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
05APR '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
05APR '25sa, 12:00
05APR '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSExhibition
06APR '25sn, 11:00
Young Music Lovers' Academy | Family concertsOn the Trail of Percussion RunawaysConcertfor children with caregivers
06APR '25sn, 12:00
06APR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSExhibition
07APR '25mn, 10:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
07APR '25mn, 12:00
Donuta discoversChamber concertfor preschool and early school-age children
08APR '25tu, 12:00
ConsonancesChamber concertfor seniors
11APR '25fr, 14:00
11APR '25fr, 15:00
11APR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Saint John PassionSymphonic concert
12APR '25sa, 09:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 1-2 with caregivers
12APR '25sa, 10:30
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 3-4 with caregivers
12APR '25sa, 12:00
RANIUTTOworkshopsfor children aged 5-6 with caregivers
12APR '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSExhibition
13APR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSExhibition
13APR '25sn, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025Saint John PassionSymphonic concert
23APR '25wd, 19:00
CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS | Misterioso 2024/2025In Western EuropeChamber concert
25APR '25fr, 14:00
25APR '25fr, 15:00
25APR '25fr, 16:00
25APR '25fr, 19:00
SYMPHONIC CONCERTS | Grandioso 2024/2025 | SYMPHONIC MONUMENTSSymphonic Monuments - BrahmsSymphonic concert
26APR '25sa, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSExhibition
26APR '25sa, 20:00
ELECTRONIC CONCERTS | SoundLab 2024/2025French Love | Thylacine
Electronic music concert
27APR '25sn, 12:00
Level 4. GalleryHELMUT NEWTON. MUSIC & PORTRAITSExhibition
27APR '25sn, 19:00
PHILHARMONIC LIGHT | Brillante 2024/2025Good to be GreenConcert