"Brothers" is the latest album by Adam Bałdych recorded in collaboration with the Norwegian Trio Helge Lien and saxophonist Tore Brunborg. The title of the album is not accidental – the violinist devoted this latest recording to the memory of his late brother, Grzegorz. Hence the special intimate mood of Bałdych's original compositions on the album and the personal development of the famous hit by Leonard Cohen 'Hallelujah'. The title brotherhood also relates to the agreement between four musicians who have been performing with each other for several years.
The trio, founded by pianist Helge Lien, was co-created by drummer Per Oddvar Johansen and bassist Mats Eilertsen. The Norwegian artists give an individual style, rich in various harmonic shades and lyrical melodies, to specific Scandinavian jazz . In 2015, together with the Polish violinist, the musicians recorded the album "Bridges".
Adam Bałdych is currently one of the best-known jazz violinists in the world. His spectacular career began perhaps in the music school from which the artist was expelled. Soon, however, he won a scholarship at the prestigious Berklee College of Music in Boston, and graduated with honors from the Academy of Music in Katowice. He is a laureate of the most important jazz competitions in Poland, and despite his young age he already has a huge discography.
Exhibition available during event: Arytmia | Tomasz Lubaszka
Oparte na rytmiczności kompozycji malarstwo Tomasza Lubaszki precyzyjnie operuje napięciem. Przyciąga widza i wprowadza go w harmonijny, monochromatyczny świat kolorów i płaszczyzn. Płynące z obrazów wrażenie intymności i medytacyjności stanowi kontrapunkt do monumentalności, którą artysta osiąga poprzez skrupulatną redukcję krajobrazu do jego abstrakcji. Tu świat jest tylko pretekstem do malarskich eksperymentów z formą i barwą, w wyniku których powstają kadry cudownie proste i w tajemniczy sposób złożone.