18JUN '16sa, 12:00

Salonik wiolinowy

Workshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
Salonik Wiolinowy

Salonik wiolinowy
18-06-2016 12:00
Salonik Wiolinowy

June 2016
01JUN '16wd, 18:00
03JUN '16fr, 19:00
PIANOFORTE 2015/2016Addinsell’s Warsaw ConcertoSymphonic concert
04JUN '16sa, 16:00
Level 4. GalleryAndrzej ForyśVernissage
05JUN '16sn, 17:00
Koncerty rodzinne 2015/2016Lived in Szczecin happily ever afterFamily concert
06JUN '16mn, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na trzyChamber concertfor children and youth
06JUN '16mn, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na trzyChamber concertfor children and youth
09JUN '16th, 10:00
09JUN '16th, 12:00
10JUN '16fr, 17:00
10JUN '16fr, 19:00
FESTIVO 2015/2016Hungarian Days - Roby LakatosSymphonic concert
11JUN '16sa, 09:00
Wszystko gra! GAMAWorkshops children aged 2–6
11JUN '16sa, 11:00
Wszystko gra! GAMAWorkshops children aged 2–6
14JUN '16tu, 09:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na czteryChamber concertfor children and youth
14JUN '16tu, 11:00
DoNuta taktuje - Na czteryChamber concertfor children and youth
14JUN '16tu, 19:00
Arhythmic_ClassArhythmic_Class vol. 2Concert
17JUN '16fr, 16:30
Zwiedzanie FilharmoniiSight-seeing the Philharmonic
17JUN '16fr, 19:00
GRANDIOSO 2015/2016Season FinaleSymphonic concert
18JUN '16sa, 12:00
Salonik wiolinowyWorkshops for children aged 3–6 years, without the participation of carers
19JUN '16sn, 19:00
21JUN '16tu, 20:30
22JUN '16wd, 20:00
Level 4. GalleryArchitecture is the Music of SpaceExhibition
25JUN '16sa, 22:00
Muzyka na wodziePowróćmy jak za dawnych lat…Symphonic concert
26JUN '16sn, 19:00
28JUN '16tu, 19:00
ESPRESSIVOTake 6Jazz concert
July 2016
01JUL '16fr, 19:00
ESPRESSIVOAl Jarreau Duo Jazz concert
05JUL '16tu, 19:00
Urodziny SzczecinaSymphonic concert
10JUL '16sn, 10:00
Level 4. GalleryArchitecture is the Music of SpaceExhibition
12JUL '16tu, 17:00
14JUL '16th, 17:00
Level 4. GalleryArchitecture is the Music of SpaceExhibition
15JUL '16fr, 17:00
19JUL '16tu, 17:00
21JUL '16th, 17:00
Level 4. GalleryArchitecture is the Music of SpaceExhibition
22JUL '16fr, 17:00
26JUL '16tu, 17:00
28JUL '16th, 17:00
Level 4. GalleryArchitecture is the Music of SpaceExhibition
29JUL '16fr, 17:00
29JUL '16fr, 19:00
Canadian BrassChamber concert
30JUL '16sa, 17:00
31JUL '16sn, 17:00
Ocean FanfareJazz concert