Forge of talents - review by Ruch Muzyczny
The orchestra sounded disciplined and confident. It's safe to say that it was "youth" only in name – because it equaled the level of some professional ensembles writes Joanna Kołodziejska in Ruch Muzyczny – the oldest and most prestigious Polish magazine devoted to classical music, after the debut of the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra at the National Forum Music in Wrocław in 2023. Adding that the ensemble performed great not only as an independent whole (especially in the work of its patron), but also as the soloist companion. You can read the entire review HERE (in Polish)
A feast with Polish music - Radio Deutschlandfunk Kultur
The concert of the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra at the Berlin Konzerthaus during the Young Euro Classic Festival in 2022 was broadcast by the all-German radio Deutschlandfunk Kultur. When announcing the concert, the radio emphasized that ILYO celebrated its 10th anniversary. You can read the entire article HERE (in German)
Enthusiastic applause in the Berlin Konzerthaus - review
The orchestra played with great commitment and was rewarded with appropriately enthusiastic applause – Bernd Feuchtner writes about ILYO in one of the leading German portals devoted to classical music – and adds: all groups of instruments demonstrated musicality and skills. The entire review is available HERE (in German, paid access).
They played beautifully - review by Daniel Huschert
The German composer and music reviewer, Daniel Huschert, wrote this about our debut in the German capital at the Young Euro Classic festival in 2022: The orchestra conducted by Azerbaijani conductor Ayyub Guliyev played really beautifully and made you want to hear more of Karłowicz's works and further about Lutosławski's cello concerto: And finally, the finale, full of the most exciting orchestral colors and the most dramatic explosions. Ultimately, the soloist wins the battle against the brass instruments. This music may be unusual, but absolutely great!. Read the entire review HERE (in German)
An orchestra full of energy - review by Tagesspiegel
Young musicians from Poland and all over Europe played confidently and with great commitment: it is impressive how good a youth orchestra can sound – wrote Kiliana Scholli in the renowned German daily Tagesspiegel after our concert in Berlin in 2022. You can read the entire review HERE (in German)
International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra at Young Euro Classic in Berlin - Review by RCCR Projects
The International Orchestra from Szczecin presented a demanding program consisting of 20th century pieces, which was extremely well received by the audience and the press – writes the leading German agency representing young artists, RCCR Projects, in a review of of our debut at the Konzerthaus Berlin. You can read the entire article HERE (in German)
Lutosławski obliges - Rondo Magazin
Top-class tutors were invited, and intensively prepared young musicians for their symphonic concert. From the very beginning, the project's intention was to be an international one, and that contemporary music should play a key role in it. – writes Mario-Felix Vogt on one of the most popular German websites devoted to classical music, and announcing the debut of the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra in Berlin in 2022. Full article available HERE (in German).
Young musicians will play Shostakovich's Leningrad Symphony - TVP Kultura
A unique musical project [...] on the eve of the anniversary of the outbreak of World War II, young musicians will perform Dmitri Shostakovich's Leningrad Symphony – this is how our concert on August 30, 2019 was announced by the leading channel of Polish television dedicated to culture – TVP Kultura. You can read the entire article HERE (in Polish)
ILYO will premiere a new work by Z. Krauze -
In 2016, the International Lutosławski Youth Orchestra premiered Preludes to "Bukoliki" by one of the most recognized contemporary Polish composers, Zygmunt Krauze. The piece was written especially for our orchestra, and the composer himself was present during preparations for its first performance. Filip Lech writes about the birth of a new song and ILYO on the website (in Polish).