”Karłowicz. Philharmonic. Szczecin” with ICMA 2018 nomination

NEWS | 16-11-2017
The International Classical Music Awards is one of the most important distinctions in the world of classical music. The last symphonic record of the Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra was recorded together with violinist Bartek Nizioł and conductor Łukasz Borowicz. The whole was published by the DUX label.

"The International Classical Music Awards are the only truly independent and international awards for classical music in the world. The jury consists of professional music critics of major magazines, websites and radio stations." *

The album was nominated in the Best Set category. This is "a category encompassing CDs with compositions representing different genres (e.g. concert and chamber or solo works, symphonic and choral music, etc.), a series of previously released recordings offered in the form of a multi-disc collection and albums with music not fitting in the other categories ". *

The record "Karłowicz. Philharmonic. Szczecin" was created in June and August 2016. The Szczecin Philharmonic Symphony Orchestra under the baton of Łukasz Borowicz – the winner of a Polityka Passport, together with the outstanding violinist from Szczecin Bartłomiej Nizioł, met at the Golden Hall of the Philharmonic in Szczecin and performed works by Mieczysław Karłowicz. During the first session, "Violin Concerto in A Major", Op. 8 and "Sorrowful Tale" Op.13 were recorded, while during the second meeting the musicians played "Lithuanian Rhapsody" Op. 11.

In March 2017 the CD "Karłowicz. Philharmonic. Szczecin" was nominated for a Fryderyk – a Polish recording industry award, in the category "album of the year, symphonic and concert music".

Professional sound director, Hein Laabs from Berlin was taking care of the recordings. He is associated with Deutsche Grammophon, one of the most famous record companies in the world. He specializes in productions of classical music, and had cooperated with Łukasz Borowicz earlier.

The album may be purchased from the Philharmonic gift shop as well as online at filharmonia.szczecin.pl/sklep.

* nospr.org.pl/pl/aktualnosci/433/pyta-szymanowski-lutosawski-zwyciezca-nagrody-icma-2017

November 2024
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04NOV '24mn, 12:00
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01DEC '24sn, 12:00
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