"Soundlab. Talks", e-book premiere

NEWS | 23-06-2017
“SoundLab. Talks” is a collection of interviews with artists connected with electronic music. All of them took part in the concert series SoundLab – Philharmonic Laboratory of Electronic Music, a pioneering project which introduced electronic music to the halls of the Szczecin Philharmonic.
Tangerine Dream, Richard Devine, Andrzej Smolik and SBB, are just a few of the artists invited to the project. The key factor in selecting them was the repertoire of the concert series SoundLab – Philharmonic Laboratory of Electronic Music, which had been set up by the Philharmonic in Szczecin soon after opening its new building.

Among the artists interviewed are Atom String Quartet, Marek Biliński, Brandt Brauer Frick, Richard Devine, Tomasz Makowiecki, SBB, Andrzej Smolik, Sound Factory Orchestra, Tangerine Dream and Zuzanna Solakiewicz, director of the documentary film “15 Corners of the World” about Eugeniusz Rudnik. Each conversation constitutes an extended interview regarding phenomena, history and the future, as well as the philosophy of contemporary music. Maciej Kaczmarski is a journalist cooperating with the web portals NowaMuzyka.pl, Onet.pl and others.

The production is most interesting and inspiring. It also constitutes a pretext for meeting people and learning about history. I am quite interested in that. By making music in the way I make it, I have very little time to get to know the world beyond sounds. (...) It’s a valuable and enriching territory – says Andrzej Smolik in the interview.

The ebook entitled “SoundLab. Talks” prepared by the Szczecin Philharmonic is available in two language versions: Polish and English. The book can also be browsed in a convenient form on our website – just click the chosen language version below:



All interested are encouraged to download a free of charge publication in a desired format (pdf, epub, mobi) from the website http://nexto.pl.

Enjoy reading!

November 2024
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