Klubowy Paprykarz i Oranżada 2017 (koncerty)

Jazz Paprikash for Szczecin’s birthday

NEWS | 07-06-2017
Jazz and swing versions of Polish evergreens i.a. “Magicians” (“in Polish “Czarodzieje”) from the repertoire of Skaldowie, “Under the Parrots” (in Polish “Pod Papugami”) by Czesław Niemen and the song “Love is like Sunday” (in Polish “Miłość jest jak niedziela”) by Ewa Bem are the protagonists of the concert Klubowy Paprykarz i Oranżada (Club Paprikash and Orangeade), which will take place on 5th July at 19:00 at the Golden Hall of the Philharmonic in Szczecin. Be there together will us and feel how the new musical spirit of Szczecin is born.
On Szczecin’s birthday, which takes place on 5th July, we travel back in time to 1968, to when the Young Talents Festival (Festiwal Młodych Talentów) was organized. This was the most inspiring musical event of the 1960s. Exactly 55 years ago during the festival many stars began their great careers: Karin Stanek, Helena Majdaniec, Wojciech Korda, Katarzyna Sobczyk, Mira Kubasińska and Czesław Niemen. The concerts within “Club Paprikash and Orangeade” refer to the idea of the festival, and search for the musical identity of the city anew.

A music ensemble at home in any concert hall in the world – the Warsaw Entertainment Orchestra of Igor Kerenz, Gaba Kulka and Michał “Bunio” Skrok, will be responsible for the new unique sound of the concert. The Warsaw Entertainment Orchestra of Igor Kerenz is an ever-changing group of musicians connected with the music label Lado ABC. Among the musicians we will have the pleasure to hear in Szczecin are Bartłomiej Tyciński and Macio Moretti – leaders of the band Mitch & Mitch. The Warsaw Entertainment Orchestra of Igor Kerenz are musical commandos drafted for this special ops. They performed at the opening gala of the 21st Malta Festival in Poznań in the Warsaw Theatre Meetings, at OFF Festival performing Beck’s Song Reader, as well as at the studios of NIna recalling music themes from Polish TV series.

Songs without vocals? Can’t be! Outstanding artists will be responsible for singing: Michał “Bunio” Skrok & Gaba Kulka, holder of a golden disc for “Mateusz” awarded by the Polish Radio Programme 3. She’s been also nominated for Polityka Passport for her album “Hat, Rabbit”, and also has a Fryderyk in her collection for “vocalist of the year”. Gaba Kulka has proved many a time that she feels comfortable in unusual projects – from the songs of Iron Maiden in original arrangements of the Baanba ensemble to the songs of Wojciech Młynarski. Her latest album “The Escapist” vividly shows Gaba’s musical character. Strong inspiration from the giants of 1970s songs, jazz and folk as well as the loud 1980s can be heard on this album.

Michał “Bunio” Skrok is a “rainbow eminence” of the Tricity experimental underground. For many years he has been exploring instrumental and experimental layers of rock and electronic music. He actively takes part in various musical undertakings in Tricity and Warsaw. Bunio has cooperated with i.a. Leszek Możdżer, Andrzej Bauer, Fisz and Jerzy Mazzol. The record "Muzyka dla supersamów" (“Music for supermarkets”) is the result of his coopration with Mazzol as well as a radio show on Jazz Radio and the radio station “Mazzoleum”. Fans of the Philharmonic Soundlab series know him better from the formation Dick4dick.

“Club Paprikash and Orangeade” is not just one concert, but two. Apart from a jazz-swing show, there will be another on 6th July which will present a new sound of big beat. The list of songs and performers of the club concert is quite impressive. We will hear i.a. Bela Komoszyńska from Sorry Boys who will sing “Weird Weekend” (in Polish “Dziwny Weekend”) by Breakout, Tymon Tymański with the song “Your time” (in Polish “Twój Czas”) by Krzysztof Klenczon, Budyń and his interpretation of “I have chosen you” (in Polish “Ciebie wybrałem”) by Polanie, while Marika will discover the new sound of “Rain in Cisna” (in Polish “Deszcz w Cisnej”) by Krystyna Prońko.

A real treat for music collectors is the fact that both concerts will be recorded and will end up on albums, which will later be on sale at Empik stores. Tickets can be purchased at the ticket office at the Philharmonic and online at filharmonia.szczecin.pl and bilety.fm. Everyone who wishes to experience “Club Paprikash and Orangeade” together with us can get a special discounted ticket for both concerts for 50 pln.The “Paprikash subscription ticket” is available only at the ticket office of the Philharmonic.
Sponsorzy: Dega, Vitamizu, Asprod.
Partnerzy projektu: Muzeum Polskiej Piosenki.
Patroni medialni projektu: empik, Radio Szczecin, Radio Kraków, Radio Łódź, RDC, Wyspa FM.

Media patronage


Organy w Filharmonii?!
07-06-2017 14:46
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